Hearthstone: Now on Your iPhone

Up until now you’ve been very lucky. You’ve been able to hide your Hearthstone addiction at home — where your tablet, PC and WiFi are kept.

Today that all changes. Hearthstone is now available on your iPhone. You can visit this App Store link on your iPhone to begin the download process, even if searching for it on the App Store turns up nothing (this sort of thing can happen right at launch).

If you’re an Android owner, don’t worry — we have good news there too. Previously only available on Android tablets, Pocket Tactics is reporting that Hearthstone is now available on Android phones, just like your iOS conterparts.

If you haven’t tried Hearthstone yet, it’s never too late to start. It was our selection for Game of the Year on both Android and iPad in 2014, and with good reason. It’s as accessible as it is challenging — a rare combination that comes together to create one of the greatest card battle games to date.

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