Fortnite mobile Week 8 challenges: Where to find 3 dance floors

By Nick Tylwalk |

It’s time to get your boogie on for one of the Week 8 Fortnite challenges. Sure, you can dance any time you want to in the super popular battle royale game, but this time you’ll be grooving for a purpose.

Specifically, one of the Week 8 challenges for Season 3 is to dance on three different Dance Floors. Dancing is the easy part, as you can simply do that from your emote menu. Tap on the speech bubble icon and then tap on any of the dance emotes you have equipped — and everyone has at least one equipped by default. Finding the Dance Floors is the trickier part.

It’s not that hard when you know where to look, and that’s info we can pass along since some enterprising players found some of them before the challenge even went live.

The folks at Fortnite Intel came through again, not only noting the location of three Dance Floors but taking pics of all of them. However, we also went out and hunted then down on our own.

Flush Factory

We found the Flush Factory Dance Floor on the first floor of the building in the southwest corner of the area.


Haunted House near Pleasant Park

Is the house really haunted? Only by the memories of some of our failures in games past. The house is slightly to the wear of Pleasant Park in the location in which our triangle is located in the screenshot below. Again, it’s on the first floor of the house and thus is quite easy to locate.


Trailer park east of Retail Row

The trailer park is to the east and also slightly north of Retail Row. It also has several wooden buildings, and the Dance Floor can be found inside one of them.


More Dance on Different Dance Floor tips

  • Don’t forget that as with every weekly challenge that requires you to go to a certain location, plenty of players will be dropping near these same spots, even more than usual. Exercise caution unless you’re as certain as you can be that you’re the first player to drop by a Dance Floor.
  • By the same token, you can use that popularity to work for you by farming kills near a Dance Floor.
  • You don’t have to try to knock out all three Dance Floors to pass the weekly challenge in one match. In fact, since the three locations are physically quite far apart from each other, it makes the most sense to take care of one per game.

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