Fedeen Games, creators of Elemental Kingdoms and Forsaken World Mobile, recently announced their latest upcoming mobile game, Pocket Gothic. This time around, it’s a fast-paced action sidescrolling games with anime and gothic influences for its visual style. The only thing more adorable than the title itself is probably the chibi-style characters that look like something out a Japanese roleplaying game.
Since it’s being billed as a beat ’em up, that means you can expect to tap and slice and fight your way through massive hordes of enemies on your way towards recovering the Beacon of Light from the big bad guys. The Pocket Gothic trailer below focuses more on the story, with some really nice artwork, albeit generic writing and voice acting. But I don’t think many people will spend their time with this game for the story. Pocket Gothic is all about beating up as many baddies as possible!
Pocket Gothic aims to feature four different characters to satisfy various playstyles. The armor-clad Dragoon is the obvious choice for fans of strong melee characters, whereas the Arcanist features more magical abilities. The Spellsword aims to be a combination of the two, with both melee and magical powers, and the Gunslinger fights from a distance using tons of different guns.
You can pre-register now for Pocket Gothic right here. Once launched, Pocket Gothic will be available as a free-to-play game for both the Android and iOS.