Play ball! Believe it or not, today marks the opening day of the 2018 MLB season, which is pretty amazing considering how winter has stubbornly refused to cede way to spring in many parts of the U.S. Nevertheless, it’s time for baseball, and there is indeed a baseball game on our list of the best new mobile games to hit app stores this week.
There’s plenty of other exciting stuff too, from the newest way to battle with your favorite Marvel heroes and villains to a candle who runs around. We don’t make this stuff up, we simply tell you what’s out there and leave the rest to you.
Anyway, while you’re waiting for your favorite MLB team to take the diamond or maybe just looking for a new game to play in-between innings, here’s what jumped out at us among the new mobile games this week.
Marvel Strike Force
After a fairly lengthy stay in soft launch (lucky Canucks), this strategy RPG is finally out. The gist is pretty simple, as you put together a team of five Marvel superheroes and/or villains, depending on the mode, and do battle with enemies ranging from the familiar to the not as much. In particular, the big bad is someone even comic book fans may not know, and the graphics and animations are pretty sweet, so there’s a lot to like here.
R.B.I. Baseball 18
Arguably the most full-featured baseball game that isn’t a straight sim returns for another season, and it’s offering more than just a graphical refresh and new rosters — though it has those things as well. New for 2018 is a Franchise Mode so you can control your favorite team over multiple seasons, making trades, calling up prospects and more. The stadium models are new and the crowds are now 3D, and there are more than 100 legends included if you prefer the ballplayers of yesteryear.
- App Store ($6.99)
Sword Art Online: Integral Factor
Bandai Namco has made other games about the anime about the game that’s more than a game before, but none quite like this. Integral Factor gives you a brand new character but throws you into the original story of Sword Art Online’s first season, interacting with familiar faces in different ways as you go. It’s also an honest to goodness MMO where you can form parties with other players to tackle quests together, something you might not expect. The art style is terrific and the interface is true to the source material, so SAO fans will want to check this out.
Ever since Devolver Digital put on the greatest E3 presser ever last summer (don’t @ us), we’ve been checking for them even harder than before. Enter Umiro, a stylish looking puzzler with interesting characters and a story to tell. It kind of reminds one in certain ways of Monument Valley without simply biting off it, which is something previous games have not been able to pull off. It’s intriguing, visually appealing and stands out from everything else that’s new this week.
What kind of bizarre platformer has a candle with legs as its protagonist? We’re not 100 percent sure, to be honest, but we’re anxious to find out. It also has definite puzzle elements made more difficult by the fact that the little dude must have a short wick, because he only gets 10 seconds of light to find solutions. Candleman has already received good reviews on PC, and the visuals are definitely compelling, so we’re in on this.