Golf Battle Tips, Cheats and Strategies

Golf Battle is the latest PvP sensation by Miniclip where you battle many opponents on a variety of mini-golf courses. Golf Battle has two game modes, one is the more traditional mini-golf style of play where you try to get the ball in the hole in as few shots as possible. The Rush game mode is more fast-paced and has a larger emphasis on completing the courses as quickly as possible. That’s enough about what the game is, read on if you’d like to know how to become a pro.

  • What about your short game? The more you play Golf Battle the further away the hole gets, plus not to mention the number of obstacles between you and your intended destination. This means that the more you play the same levels in Golf Battle, the better chance you’ll have at avoiding a penalty. Penalties in this game include falling out of the course, or running out of time (if you are in the Rush game mode). Expect the unexpected, curve balls are thrown at you from the get-go. This isn’t your tradition two-dimensional mini-golf game, this is Battle Golf!

Golf Battle

  • Learn the power of the put. It’s important to note that every golf game has different power levels for how far to draw back. So try to get to grips with when to hit at full pelt and how far hitting at max power will take you. The more upgrades you apply to your putter the further you can hit the ball. Some holes are deceptive where you feel you can get far using one large put instead, do two smaller ones to avoid a penalty for flying out of the course.

Golf Battle

  • Avoid the sand. It’s obvious that landing in the sand will drastically reduce the distance of your next shot, but until you land in the sand, you won’t realise how drastic this penalty is. In Rush, you can just spam several shots to slowly trudge through the sandpit, in classic you want to get out of the sand ASAP. This could well mean hitting backwards or sideways as you’ll save puts in the long run.

Golf Battle

  • Speed or precision? In Rush, you will want to find a good balance between these two factors. If you’re slow and precise you’ll never win, if you’re fast but not accurate you’ll also struggle. So look for a comprise between the two. The camera can sometimes show what you should do, there is no point rushing a shot if you can’t see exactly where it will go. You are better off adjusting the camera first to see exactly where you are aiming. Everyone has the same camera problems, you shouldn’t use it as an excuse for bad shots.
  • Be ballsy. There are many holes in Golf Battle that reward you for taking the more dangerous route, but this is usually much harder. The first time you attempt the more direct route is most likely going to end badly, but that’s ok. You may lose a game or two in attempting to land this difficult put, but if you can perfect it, you’ll be in a minority of players who can blitz any hole. It’s perfectly fine to be cautious and go the long way around, but that’s not how winners are made.

Golf Battle

  • Rush any chest beside the basic chest. This tip only applies to players early in their career but it’s a good one. Unless you are buying gems or saving up for a special chest from the store, rush open the rare chests. This is because when you start the game you will have the most basic loot, so it will be impossible to open a rare chest and get anything worse than what you’ve already got. You’ll earn back those 50 gems in no time by using your new loot to beat all the competition

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