A Planet of Mine is a space-faring civilization-building strategy game by Tuesday Quest. In this game, players start out on a single world which they’ll mine for resources in order to build structures, expand their society, and eventually branch out to other planets.
While there are a large number of buildings to make and upgrade, you cannot see all of a structure’s details until you actually construct it (or, at least, have the option to do so). Because of this, it’s sometimes difficult to plan ahead for what you will want to create in the near future, or the resources you’ll need to save up to do so.
Gamezebo’s Structures Guide will provide details on all the build-able objects in the game including their resource cost to construct, level at which they unlock, Civilization score, resources or bonuses they provide, etc. “Room” indicates how many inhabitants can work there at once (if a manned facility) while speed shows how quickly items are produced at that structure (if not built on the species’ preferred biome). If we have not yet physically built an object ourselves, we excluded its demolition cost—although you can assume that tier one buildings will cost one explosive, tier two will cost two, etc.
Habitats expand your max population size and allow you to create new inhabitants. The Flag is included in this grouping although it does not affect population.
- To build: 40 wood
- Unlocks at: Available from start of game
- Score: 40
- Purpose: +5 living space
- Upgrades into: House
- Upgrade cost: 100 stone
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
- To build: 40 wood + 100 stone
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 3
- Score: 240
- Purpose: +10 living space
- Upgrades from: Shed
- Upgrades into: Building
- Upgrade cost: 20 steel
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
- To build: 40 wood + 100 stone + 20 steel
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 5
- Score: 1,240
- Purpose: +15 living space
- Energy cost: 1
- Upgrades from: House
- Upgrades into: Town
- Upgrade cost: 200 glass
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
- To build: 40 wood + 100 stone + 20 steel + 200 glass
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 7
- Score: 7,240
- Purpose: +20 living space
- Energy cost: 2
- Upgrades from: Building
- Upgrades into: Megapole
- Upgrade cost: 500 concrete
- Demolish cost: 4 explosive
- To build: 40 wood + 100 stone + 20 steel + 200 glass + 500 concrete
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 9
- Score: 32,240
- Purpose: +50 living space
- Energy cost: 3
- Upgrades from: Town
- Demolish cost:
Colony pod
- To build: 50 plastic + 10 glass
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 5
- Score: 1,800
- Purpose: +5 living space
- Special: Can be built on dead planets
- Energy cost: 1
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
- To build: 5 wood
- Unlocks at: Available from start of game
- Score: 5
- Purpose: Reveals nearby planet grounds, enabling them to be interacted with
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Energy Sources
Energy sources produce energy units, which are then used to power structures which require them. Unlike other resources, energy is a fixed, definite amount: once you have a power plant producing +5 energy, unless you demolish that plant, you will always have +5 energy. Energy produced is, however, also all-or-nothing, so if you have a single power plant producing +5 energy but structures requiring 6 energy total, none of the structures requiring energy will function.
Small coal power plant
- To build: 100 stone + 50 coal
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 4
- Score: 700
- Purpose: +5 energy
- Pollution: 1
- Upgrades into: Large coal power plant
- Upgrade cost: 20 steel + 50 concrete
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Large coal power plant
- To build: 100 stone + 50 coal + 20 steel + 50 concrete
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 6
- Score: 4,200
- Purpose: +10 energy
- Pollution: 2
- Upgrades from: Small coal power plant
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Small nuclear power plant
- To build: 200 stone + 5 uranium
- Unlocks at: Research “Atomic energy”
- Score: 900
- Purpose: +15 energy
- Pollution: 1
- Upgrades into: Large nuclear power plant
- Upgrade cost: 10 uranium + 50 concrete
- Demolish cost:
Large nuclear power plant
- To build: 200 stone + 15 uranium + 50 concrete
- Unlocks at: Research “Atomic energy”
- Score: 4,400
- Purpose: +20 energy
- Pollution: 2
- Upgrades from: Small nuclear power plant
- Demolish cost:
Heat recuperator
- To build: 50 wood + 5 steel
- Unlocks at: Research “Geothermic energy”
- Score: 300
- Purpose: Converts heat from volcanic ground to energy
- Upgrades into: Geothermic power plant
- Upgrade cost: 20 tech stuff
- Demolish cost:
Geothermic power plant
- To build: 50 wood + 5 steel + 20 tech stuff
- Unlocks at: Research “Geothermic energy”
- Score: 1,700
- Purpose: Converts heat from volcanic ground to energy
- Upgrades from: Heat recuperator
- Demolish cost:
Solar panel
- To build: 50 wood + 10 glass
- Unlocks at: Research “Solar energy”
- Score: 350
- Purpose: +X energy
- Special: The closer the planet is to its star, the more energy the solar panel produces. (At a fairly close distance, +3 energy)
- Upgrades into: Solar power plant
- Upgrade cost: 20 tech stuff
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Solar power plant
- To build: 50 wood + 10 glass + 20 tech stuff
- Unlocks at: Research “Solar energy”
- Score: 1,750
- Purpose: +X energy
- Special: The closer the planet is to its star, the more energy the solar panel produces. (At a fairly close distance, +6 energy. Twice the solar panel’s energy output)
- Upgrades from: Solar panel
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
The Vegetation structures have two purposes: producing redballs to feed your civilization and improving the regenerative power of the planet’s natural resources.
- To build: 20 wood + 5 redball
- Unlocks at: Available from start of game
- Score: 30
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
Transform: 1 water > 3 redball
1 fertilizer > 4 redball
1 bio-gaz > 8 redball
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
- Room: 1
- Speed: 6.00s
- Upgrades into: Farm
- Upgrade cost: 150 wood
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
- To build: 170 wood + 5 redball
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 2
- Score: 180
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
Transform: 1 water > 3 redball
1 fertilizer > 4 redball
1 bio-gaz > 8 redball
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
- Room: 2
- Speed: 5.00s
- Upgrades from: Plantation
- Upgrades into: Staged farm
- Upgrade cost: 50 glass + 20 fertilizer
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Staged farm
- To build: 170 wood + 5 redball + 50 glass + 20 fertilizer
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 6
- Score: 2,080
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
Transform: 1 water > 3 redball
1 fertilizer > 4 redball
1 bio-gaz > 8 redball
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
- Energy cost: 1
- Room: 2
- Speed: 4.00s
- Upgrades from: Farm
- Upgrades into: Agronomic complex
- Upgrade cost: 100 glass + 100 concrete
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
Agronomic complex
- To build: 170 wood + 5 redball + 150 glass + 20 fertilizer
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 9
- Score: 10,080
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
Transform: 1 water > 3 redball
1 fertilizer > 4 redball
1 bio-gaz > 8 redball
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
- Energy cost: 2
- Room: 3
- Speed: 4.00s
- Upgrades from: Staged farm
- Demolish cost: 4 explosive
Hydroponic farm
- To build: 50 glass + 5 water
- Unlocks at: Research “Hydropony”
- Score: 1,505
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
Transform: 1 water > 3 redball
1 fertilizer > 4 redball
1 bio-gaz > 8 redball
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
- Special: Can be built on any ground type
- Room: 1
- Speed: 4.00s
- Upgrades into: Staged hydroponic farm
- Upgrade cost: 100 glass + 10 computer
- Demolish cost:
Staged hydroponic farm
- To build: 150 glass + 5 water + 10 computer
- Unlocks at: Research “Hydropony”
- Score: 5,405
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
Transform: 1 water > 3 redball
1 fertilizer > 4 redball
1 bio-gaz > 8 redball
- Purpose: Generate: 2 redball
- Special: Can be built on any ground type
- Energy cost: 1
- Room: 1
- Speed: 3.00s
- Upgrades from: Hydroponic farm
- Demolish cost:
Plants nursery
- To build: 50 wood + 10 fertilizer
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 3
- Score: 250
- Purpose: +5 planet vegetation regenerating power
- Upgrades into: Greenhouse
- Upgrade cost: 100 glass + 10 fertilizer
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
- To build: 50 wood + 20 fertilizer + 100 glass
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 6
- Score: 3,450
- Purpose: +10 planet vegetation regenerating power
- Energy cost: 1
- Upgrades from: Plants nursery
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Resource Collection
This group of structures is entirely focused on extracting resources from the ground. Mines allow you to collect stone, sand, clay, and other solid resources while wells let you gather water, oil, bio-gaz and similar liquids.
Simple mine
- To build: 50 wood
- Unlocks at: Available from start of game
- Score: 50
- Purpose: Extracts solid resources from the ground
- Room: 1
- Speed: 7.00s
- Upgrades into: Double mine
- Upgrade cost: 250 wood
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Double mine
- To build: 300 wood
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 3
- Score: 300
- Purpose: Extracts solid resources from the ground
- Room: 2
- Speed: 6.00s
- Upgrades from: Simple mine
- Upgrades into: Modern mine
- Upgrade cost: 5 diamond
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Modern mine
- To build: 300 wood + 5 diamond
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 7
- Score: 800
- Purpose: Extracts solid resources from the ground
- Energy cost: 1
- Room: 2
- Speed: 5.00s
- Upgrades from: Double mine
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
Simple well
- To build: 50 wood
- Unlocks at: Available from start of game
- Score: 50
- Purpose: Extracts liquid resources from the ground
- Room: 1
- Speed: 7.00s
- Upgrades into: Double well
- Upgrade cost: 250 wood
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Double well
- To build: 300 wood
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 3
- Score: 300
- Purpose: Extracts liquid resources from the ground
- Room: 2
- Speed: 6.00s
- Upgrades from: Simple well
- Upgrades into: Modern well
- Upgrade cost: 5 diamond
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Modern well
- To build: 300 wood + 5 diamond
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 7
- Score: 800
- Purpose: Extracts liquid resources from the ground
- Room: 2
- Speed: 5.00s
- Upgrades from: Double well
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
The Production structures are essential for transforming one resource into another. These allow you to take standard resources you’ll find on and within the planet, like wood and coal, and turn them into higher value resources, like paper and glass, that are used in constructing upgraded buildings. Note: the set of assembly line structures are the only way to make probes, the ammunition used in the planetary laser.
- To build: 100 stone
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 2
- Score: 200
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 1 coal
1 coal + 1 ice > 1 water
1 coal + 1 sand > 1 glass
1 coal + 1 sand + 1 clay > 1 concrete
1 coal + 1 iron > 1 steel
1 coal + 1 oil > 1 plastic
1 coal + 1 fertilizer > 1 bio-gaz
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 1 coal
- Pollution: 1
- Room: 1
- Speed: 9.00s
- Upgrades into: Assisted foundry
- Upgrade cost: 10 iron
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Assisted foundry
- To build: 100 stone + 10 iron
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 4
- Score: 400
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 1 coal
1 coal + 1 ice > 1 water
1 coal + 1 sand > 1 glass
1 coal + 1 sand + 1 clay > 1 concrete
1 coal + 1 iron > 1 steel
1 coal + 1 oil > 1 plastic
1 coal + 1 fertilizer > 1 bio-gaz
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 1 coal
- Pollution: 1
- Room: 1
- Speed: 6.00s
- Upgrades into: Automated foundry
- Upgrade cost: 50 concrete
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Automated foundry
- To build: 100 stone + 10 iron + 50 concrete
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 8
- Score: 2900
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 1 coal
1 coal + 1 ice > 1 water
1 coal + 1 sand > 1 glass
1 coal + 1 sand + 1 clay > 1 concrete
1 coal + 1 iron > 1 steel
1 coal + 1 oil > 1 plastic
1 coal + 1 fertilizer > 1 bio-gaz
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 1 coal
- Energy cost: 1
- Pollution: 2
- Room: 1
- Speed: 3.00s
- Upgrades from: Assisted foundry
- Upgrades into:
- Upgrade cost:
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
- To build: 50 wood + 50 stone
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 2
- Score: 150
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 2 paper
1 stone > 1 sand
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 2 paper
- Room: 1
- Speed: 9.00s
- Upgrades into: Assisted press
- Upgrade cost: 10 steel
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Assisted press
- To build: 50 wood + 50 stone + 10 steel
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 4
- Score: 650
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 2 paper
1 stone > 1 sand
25 coal > 1 emerald
50 coal > 1 ruby
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 2 paper
- Energy cost: 1
- Room: 1
- Speed: 6.00s
- Upgrades from: Press
- Upgrades into: Automated press
- Upgrade cost: 10 tech stuff
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Automated press
- To build: 50 wood + 50 stone + 10 steel + 10 tech stuff
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 8
- Score: 1,350
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 2 paper
1 stone > 1 sand
25 coal > 1 emerald
50 coal > 1 ruby
100 coal > 1 diamond
- Purpose: Transform: 1 wood > 2 paper
- Energy cost: 2
- Room: 1
- Speed: 3.00s
- Upgrades from: Assisted press
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
- To build: 100 wood
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 2
- Score: 100
- Purpose: Transform: 4 paper > 1 book
1 bio-gaz + 4 paper > 1 explosive
- Purpose: Transform: 4 paper > 1 book
- Room: 1
- Speed: 9.00s
- Upgrades into: Assembly line
- Upgrade cost: 50 glass
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Assembly line
- To build: 100 wood + 50 glass
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 5
- Score: 1,600
- Purpose: Transform: 4 paper > 1 book
1 bio-gaz + 4 paper > 1 explosive
1 plastic + 1 copper > 1 tech stuff
1 uranium + 1 tech stuff > 1 probe
- Purpose: Transform: 4 paper > 1 book
- Energy cost: 1
- Room: 1
- Speed: 6.00s
- Upgrades from: Workbench
- Upgrades into: Automated assembly line
- Upgrade cost: 10 tech stuff
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Automated assembly line
- To build: 100 wood + 50 glass + 10 tech stuff
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 8
- Score: 2,300
- Purpose: Transform: 4 paper > 1 book
1 bio-gaz + 4 paper > 1 explosive
1 plastic + 1 copper > 1 tech stuff
1 uranium + 1 tech stuff > 1 probe
1 tech stuff + 1 glass > 1 computer
1 computer + 1 diamond > 1 probe
- Purpose: Transform: 4 paper > 1 book
- Energy cost: 2
- Room: 1
- Speed: 3.00s
- Upgrades from: Assembly line
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
This category contains structures that increase your Ascension earned at the end of each planetary cycle or transform other resources into Ascension directly. Building the percent increase structures—like the school or university—early will maximize your total return on investment while the other structures can help boost your total once you have resources to spare.
Small museum
- To build: 100 wood
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 2
- Score: 100
- Purpose: Transform 1 stone > 1 Ascension
1 clay > 5 Ascension
1 glass > 10 Ascension
1 concrete > 50 Ascension
- Purpose: Transform 1 stone > 1 Ascension
- Room: 1
- Speed: 8.00s
- Upgrades into: Large museum
- Upgrade cost: 100 stone + 5 gold
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Large museum
- To build: 100 wood + 100 stone + 5 gold
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 4
- Score: 600
- Purpose: Transform 1 stone > 1 Ascension
1 clay > 5 Ascension
1 glass > 10 Ascension
1 concrete > 50 Ascension
- Purpose: Transform 1 stone > 1 Ascension
- Room: 2
- Speed: 7.00s
- Upgrades from: Small museum
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Small restaurant
- To build: 100 wood
- Unlocks at: Research “Gastronomy”
- Score: 100
- Purpose: Transform: 1 redball > 5 Ascension
1 water + 1 redball > 10 Ascension
1 ice + 1 redball > 50 Ascension
- Purpose: Transform: 1 redball > 5 Ascension
- Room: 1
- Speed: 8.00s
- Upgrades into: Large restaurant
- Upgrade cost: 100 stone + 5 gold
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Large restaurant
- To build: 100 wood + 100 stone + 5 gold
- Unlocks at: Research “Gastronomy”
- Score: 600
- Purpose: Transform: 1 redball > 5 Ascension
1 water + 1 redball > 10 Ascension
1 ice + 1 redball > 50 Ascension
- Purpose: Transform: 1 redball > 5 Ascension
- Room: 2
- Speed: 7.00s
- Upgrades from: Small restaurant
- Demolish cost:
Small jewelry shop
- To build: 100 wood
- Unlocks at: Research “Jewelry”
- Score: 100
- Purpose: Transform: 1 emerald > 100 Ascension
1 ruby > 100 Ascension
1 gold > 500 Ascension
1 diamond > 1,000 Ascension
- Purpose: Transform: 1 emerald > 100 Ascension
- Room: 1
- Speed: 8.00s
- Upgrades into: Large jewelry shop
- Upgrade cost: 100 stone + 5 gold
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Large jewelry shop
- To build: 100 wood + 100 stone + 5 gold
- Unlocks at: Research “Jewelry”
- Score: 600
- Purpose: Transform: 1 emerald > 100 Ascension
1 ruby > 100 Ascension
1 gold > 500 Ascension
1 diamond > 1,000 Ascension
- Purpose: Transform: 1 emerald > 100 Ascension
- Room: 2
- Speed: 7.00s
- Upgrades from: Small jewelry shop
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
- To build: 200 wood + 50 paper
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 3
- Score: 450
- Purpose: +25% Ascension at the end of each planetary cycle
- Upgrades into: University
- Upgrade cost: 50 book + 50 concrete
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
- To build: 200 wood + 50 paper + 50 book + 50 concrete
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 5
- Score: 4,450
- Purpose: +50% Ascension at the end of each planetary cycle
- Energy cost: 1
- Upgrades from: School
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Science and Exploration
This category is a combination of structures which help increase your Science points for unlocking research skills, improve planets’ status by reducing pollution, and help you explore new worlds.
Research lab
- To build: 100 wood
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 2
- Score: 100
- Purpose: Transform: 1 paper > 10 Science
1 book > 50 Science
- Purpose: Transform: 1 paper > 10 Science
- Room: 1
- Speed: 10.00s
- Upgrades into: Research station
- Upgrade cost: 100 stone + 50 book
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Research station
- To build: 100 wood + 100 stone + 50 book
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 6
- Score: 1,800
- Purpose: Transform: 1 paper > 10 Science
1 book > 50 Science
1 tech stuff > 100 Science
- Purpose: Transform: 1 paper > 10 Science
- Energy cost: 1
- Room: 2
- Speed: 7.00s
- Upgrades from: Research lab
- Upgrades into: Research complex
- Upgrade cost: 10 computer + 50 concrete
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
Research complex
- To build: 100 wood + 100 stone + 50 book + 10 computer + 50 concrete
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 9
- Score: 5,200
- Purpose: Transform: 1 paper > 10 Science
1 book > 50 Science
1 tech stuff > 100 Science
1 computer > 500 Science
- Purpose: Transform: 1 paper > 10 Science
- Energy cost: 2
- Room: 3
- Speed: 4.00s
- Upgrades from: Research station
- Demolish cost: 3 explosive
Air filter
- To build: 50 wood + 5 bio-gaz
- Unlocks at: Research “Ecology”
- Score: 150
- Purpose: Decreases pollution on a planet
- Upgrades into: Improved air filter
- Upgrade cost: 50 plastic + 10 computer
- Demolish cost:
Improved air filter
- To build: 50 wood + 5 bio-gaz + 50 plastic + 10 computer
- Unlocks at: Research “Ecology”
- Purpose: Score: 2,550
- Decreases pollution on a planet
- Upgrades from: Air filter
- Demolish cost:
- To build: 50 plastic + 20 tech stuff
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 5
- Score: 0
- Purpose: Allows travel to other planets
- Requires oil to travel
- Room: 2
- Upgrades into: Super starship
- Upgrade cost: 10 netherium + 10 computer
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Super starship
- To build: 50 plastic + 20 tech stuff + 10 netherium + 10 computer
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 8
- Score: 0
- Purpose: Allows travel to other planets
- Requires oil to travel
- Room: 3
- Upgrades from: Starship
- Demolish cost: 2 explosive
The only purpose of these structures is to increase your Civilization score (the total of all your planets’ scores combined). They’re also pretty impressive to behold.
Galactic library
- To build: 2,000 sand + 200 book + 200 clay + 5 ruby
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 5
- Score: 20,300
- Purpose: Increases planet score
- Demolish cost:
Stellar temple
- To build: 2,000 stone + 20 gold + 100 steel + 5 emerald
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 5
- Score: 10,400
- Purpose: Increases planet score
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
These structures are used during war phases in order to attack other planets or defend yourself against attackers.
- To build: 100 wood + 50 coal
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 3
- Score: 600
- Purpose: Shoot explosives at enemies in war mode
- Low range and poor precision
- Demolish cost: 1 explosive
Missile launcher
- To build: 20 steel
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 6
- Score: 1,000
- Purpose: Shoot missiles at enemies in war mode
- Medium range and high precision
- Energy cost: 1
- Demolish cost:
Planetary laser
- To build: 10 netherium + 50 computer
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 9
- Score: 5,500
- Purpose: Laser your enemies in war mode
- Unlimited range and significant damage
- Energy cost: 5
- Demolish cost:
Planetary shield
- To build: 10 netherium + 50 concrete
- Unlocks at: Ascension level 7
- Score: 3,500
- Purpose: +50 shield points to planet
- Energy cost: 5
- Demolish cost: