Google Play Games Now Offers a Recording Feature

A new update to Google Play Games has enabled Android users to easily record gameplay from their phone or tablet, which seems rather cool to us.

From within the app, you simply select a game, hit record, and the app starts capturing video. You can even use your front-facing camera and mic to offer your own insights via a picture-in-picture mode.

While 1080p resolution isn’t supported, 720p and 480p is possible, with the ability to easily upload the video directly to YouTube. Basic editing features are available too, allowing you to trim the clip down.

Youtube Gaming had recently added streaming support, but being able to save clips is great for those who want to control exactly what they show to others. It’ll make creating your own Let’s Play video so much easier too.

The feature is currently available for users in the US and UK, with it set to expand to other countries soon.

(top image via Walterlan Papetti, cc-by-sa-2.0)

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