XCOM: Enemy Unknown is coming to Android (but probably not tomorrow)

In a twist that should surprise absolutely no one, one of the biggest iOS games of last year is making its way to Android in the (probably very) near future.

Tweets from the official @XCOM account yesterday announced not only that XCOM: Enemy Unknown was coming to Google Play, but that it would be released on April 24th. That tweet was later deleted, with a new one indicating that it was “an error” – though they don’t make it clear if the error was the release date or announcing the release date.


We’re assuming the former, but… we also won’t be surprised if we wake up tomorrow morning to find XCOM at the top of the paid games list on Google Play.

Portable Gaming Region is reporting that the launch price will be $9.99, which if true, is half the current price of the iOS version. That means one of three things: the iOS price is about to drop, the Android version is feature-limited, or iOS gamers are about to get really angry.

Regardless, it’s just great to see such a top notch game reach a new audience. Nobody believed a AAA console/desktop game like XCOM: Enemy Unknown could make the transition to mobile successfully, and when it did, it knocked our collective socks off.

Android gamers – spend today investing in sock garters.

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