Moonrise Soft Launches on Canadian App Store

By Nadia Oxford |

Last summer we previewed Moonrise, a monster collecting / battling game from Undead Labs (makers of the open world undead survival game, State of Decay). Now this intriguing title is available on iOS – provided you live in Canada (or merely pretend to be a Canuck on the App Store. Shh – we won’t tell).

The events of Moonrise revolve around (you guessed it) the titular Moonrise, a phenomenon that morphs peaceful creatures called Solari into twisted beings called the Lunari. When players defeat the Lunari in battle, they turn back into Solari and join the player’s crusade to push back the darkness.

Moonrise’s main game is primarily a single-player experience, but other “wardens” can aid in battle, or provide a special PvP challenge. With any luck, you’ll claw your way to the top of the leaderboards, so pick a name for your warden that will make your mother proud.

While developed by Undead Labs, the game is being published by Kabam. The Canadian soft-launch of Moonrise follows the release of Kabam’s other monster capture game, Creature Academy, by mere weeks.

Moonrise is free to download.  You can grab it from the Canadian App Store now.

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