Looking for the answer for LoLdle today? Well, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we provide the solution for today’s puzzle, and, what’s more, we keep this article updated every single day. So, if you’re a big fan of LoLdle and often struggle, we recommend bookmarking this page and checking back daily. That way, you’ll never miss out on a puzzle.
LoLdle is a daily puzzle game that, much like Wordle that inspired it, challenges you to guess and narrow down a specific League of Legends character every single day. Each time you guess, your guess is compared to the correct character. For example, you learn whether the gender, position, species, resource, range type, region, and release year is correct or wrong. Using this information, you have to narrow down the correct answer.
It’s tricky, but a lot of fun for fans of Wordle and League of Legends alike, and you can play it on the official site. If you’re a fan of daily puzzle games, we recommend checking out our other guides, including our solutions for Framed today, Heardle today, Phoodle today, Quordle today, and Weaver today.
Loldle Today Hints
Rather than just give you the answer straight away, here’s a few hints at who today’s character is:
- Gender: Male
- Position: Support
- Species: Human, Magicborn
- Resource: Mana
- Range: Ranged
- Regions: Icathia, Runeterra, Shurima
- Release Year: 2009
LoLdle Today Answer
And finally, let’s get to today’s LoLdle answer:
- Zilean
LoLdle FAQ
Now, we’ll answer a bunch of questions you may have regarding LoLdle.
What Is LoLdle?
LoLdle is a Wordle-like daily puzzle game that challenges you to guess a specific League of Legends character every single day. Much like in Wordle, each guess gives you some clues that can help you narrow down your subsequent guesses to get the correct answer.
How Does It Work?
You guess a League of Legends character from a database, and receive some feedback about how the following aspects compare to the correct character:
- Gender
- Position
- Species
- Resource
- Range type
- Region
- Release year
Any aspects that are a match for the correct character are marked in green, with partial correct answers in yellow. Anything not related is marked in red, though the release year gets an up or down arrow depending on whether they’re more recently-released or not.
Using just this information, you have to guess the correct character within a set number of attempts to beat the puzzle for today.
Got Any Tips and Tricks?
Before we move onto the answer, here are a few tips and tricks that might help you solve the puzzle without help:
- Clues: There’s no punishment for using a clue – including a quote, ability icon, and screenshot. These can make guessing laughably easy, so if you’re struggling, it should be the first thing you do.
- Just guess: You will get a surprising amount of information just from guessing, so don’t overthink your first guess.
- Release year: This is often the best clue, as, even if it’s red, you still get a bit of information, unlike any of the other aspects. It might help to start with one of the first ever champions.
What Are The Previous LoLdle Answers?
- Janna
- Olaf
- Nasus
- Skarner
- LeBlanc
- Karma
- Ryze
- Graves
- Bel’Veth
- Akshan
- Vel’Koz
- Senna
- Poppy
- Renekton
- Cassiopeia
- Yasuo
- Talon
- Aurelion Sol
- Sejuani
- Elise
- Darius
- Sylas
- Pantheon
- Lulu
- Jax
- Nocturne
- Zac
- Singed
- Vex
- Urf (April Fool’s!)
- Master Yi
- Morgana
- Vayne
- Ekko
- Samira
- Karthus
- Caitlyn
- Blitzcrank
- Nidalee
- Dr. Mundo
- Miss Fortune
- Malzahar
- Taliyah
- Hecarim
- Kindred
- Urgot
- Fizz
- Malphite
- Ziggs
- Camille
- Rumble
- Aphelios
- Jinx
- Yone
- Gangplank
- Anivia
- Lissandra
- Braum
- Brand
- Ahri
- Tahm Kench
- Shen
- Lux
- Heimerdinger
- Gnar
- Lee Sin
- Shaco
- Sion
- Draven
- Tryndamere
- Nilah
- Taric
- Kai’Sa
- Vladimir
- Maokai
- Sona
- Zoe
- Soraka
- Tristana
- Xayah
- Twisted Fate
- Volibear
- Jarvan IV
- Gragas
- Renata Glasc
- Teemo
- Kalista
- Alistar
- Akali
- Mordekaiser
- Vi
- Wukong
- Ezreal
- Kled
- Varus
- Katarina
- Lillia
- Swain
- Zyra
- Riven
- Graves
- Zeri
- Trundle
- Galio
- Yorick
- K’Sante
- Senna
- Orianna
- Nautilus
- Seraphine
- Illaoi
- Nami
- Yasuo
- Diana
- Twitch
- Rakan
- Xerath
- Zilean
- Fiora
- Warwick
- Poppy
- Xin Zhao
- Syndra
- Vel’Koz
- Lulu
- Udyr
- Qiyana
- Sivir
- Nunu & Willump
- Vex
- Jhin
- Miss Fortune
- Zac
- Lucian
- Ivern
- Hecarim
- Aurelion Sol
- Akshan
- Darius
- Yuumi
- Viktor
- Kha’Zix
- Karma
- Thresh
- Jayce
- Nasus
- Singed
- Nocturne
- Amumu
- Dr. Mundo
- Sett
- Olaf
- LeBlanc
- Ashe
- Brand
- Talon
- Camille
- Azir
- Viego
- Malphite
- Annie
- Gangplank
- Sejuani
- Bel’Veth
- Sylas
- Taric
- Ziggs
- Renekton
- Sona
- Nidalee
- Fiddlesticks
- Aatrox
- Blitzcrank
- Morgana
- Irelia
- Lee Sin
- Shaco
- Kassadin
- Malzahar
- Ekko
- Tahm Kench
- Leona
- Cassiopeia
- Alistar
- Jinx
- Elise
- Mordekaiser
- Nilah
- Tryndamere
- Ryze
- Shen
- Tristana
- Varus
- Evelynn
- Urgot
- Lux
- Lillia
- Twisted Fate
- Gragas
- Zoe
- Volibear
- Katarina
- Vayne
- Rumble
- Quinn
- Senna
- Caitlyn
- Vladimir
- Neeko
- Draven
- Zyra
- Kindred
- Ahri
- Fiora
- Seraphine
- Gwen
- Wukong
- Syndra
- Gnar
- Yorick
- Garen
- Samira
And that will do it for our LoLdle today guide. Make sure to grab it via the links at the top of this page, check out our other guides linked in the third paragraph, and bookmark this page and check back daily for more solutions.