Though fans have been eagerly awaiting an announcement of Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch, Nintendo has other plans for the franchise for the time being… mobile plans. During a Nintendo Direct this evening, Nintendo announced Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for iOS and Android. Fortunately, they seem to have learned well from their past mobile forays into Super Mario and Fire Emblem, because Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp looks just delightful.
The premise of the game seems to be something like Neko Atsume-style games, where you place objects in an area and attract visitors. For Pocket Camp, you place furniture items in a large campsite to attract various Animal Crossing villagers to visit in real time. Visiting your campsite will increase your friendship with that visitor, presumably unlocking benefits as it goes up.
The major difference between this and other, more casual games in the same style is that you must craft the items you place in your campsite using materials you’ll find in visitable areas, or through quests you receive from different animal friends. These quests involve typical Animal Crossing activities such as picking fruit, fishing, or bug catching. You can also substitute items called Leaf Tickets for crafting items. Leaf Tickets can be obtained through completing daily quests in-game, or by paying real money because hey, it’s a free game!
Nintendo promises plenty to do in time for Pocket Camp, including holiday and seasonal events. If they can keep the updates rolling and ensure a robust selection of visitors to attract even in the early going, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has the potential to be their biggest mobile hit yet. The thirst for Animal Crossing is real right now!
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp launches in late November 2017 for iOS and Android. For notifications when it goes live, you can pre-register on the official site.