The Treasures of Mystery Island Tips Walkthrough

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  • When placing items on the hotspots make sure that you see the gears moving before you click an item into place.
  • There’s no timer in the game so you can take your time and play the game without pressure.
  • You cannot click randomly on the scene, if you click too many incorrect items, some lights will appear on the screen that will block your view temporarily.
  • I found it easier to collect all the pieces from inventory first and then place the items in the room. Some people may prefer adding pieces as they find them, either way, will work, do what is best for you.
  • When your inventory screen is full, use the green , up and down arrows to view all the inventory items.
  • To get rid of an item on your cursor, simply right click it. You can also click the item back in place.


  • There are unlimited hints in this game but you have to wait for the meter to refill itself before you can use it again. It takes approximately 45 seconds for the meter to refill.
  • Use the hints to help you find the fragmented pieces around the scene.
  • The hints will not help you with placing the items from inventory into the hotspots, they only help you find the fragmented pieces.
  • To use a hint, simply click on the hint tab or pick up the small rock that is besides it.
  • Move the rock around the scene until you see it light up. As soon as the rock is shining brightly, the fragmented piece will start to shake and will go into inventory automatically.
  • If you don’t want to wait for the piece to go up automatically, click on it and it will go into inventory.


  • The panel at the bottom of the screen will show you the pieces that you need to assemble. You will see the completed pieces and a number next to each one. The number represents the number of fragments that you will need to find for that piece.
  • As you find each fragment, that piece will be taken off the picture at the bottom and the number will be reduced by one.
  • Some fragments cannot be found until other actions have been performed first. You will know this when you click on a hint and they tell you to do other things before you can click on that piece.


  • Once a piece is complete, it will go into the inventory box on the right side of the screen.
  • Use those inventory items on the hotspots that are located in each scene. You will recognize a hotspot when you see an item light up in a scene followed by two gears moving.


  • You can access different locations in 2 separate ways.
  • From within a scene, click on the lower left side, where it says “Map” and you will be shown the available choices from a pop-up menu.
  • While you’re on the map, just click one of the red dots and it will tell you the name of the location. If that’s the location you want to go to, just click on it to access it.


  • There are 24 cards in the game and each card has a different theme (s).
  • You will have to look for 10-20 items per scene to complete the card. You will not be told which items to look for, you will have to figure it out by yourself by looking at the name/description  on the card.
  • When you look at the main map you will be able to tell the scenes with cards  because they will have a magnifying glass over the location.
  • In the walkthrough below you will be able to read the solution for all the cards in the game. The card solutions will be in the walkthrough in the order in which they appeared in the game.



  • The in-game tutorial will guide you through the process of assembling the propeller.
  • In this scene all the fragmented pieces will be found right away.
  • Place the sun symbol on top of the pyramid.
  • Place the Indian head dress on the statue that is on the left side of the scene.
  • Place the large pot in the lower center, on top of the rocks.
  • Place the large stone on the lower left side of the scene.
  • Click the lighter onto the rocks that are under the large pot so you can start a fire.
  • Place the bag of ingredients on the pot.


  • In this mini game you have to click on the edible items only as they pass through the screen.
  • If you click on an incorrect item you will have to start over again by clicking on “replay”.
  • At the end of the mini game, the Shaman will give you a telephone disk. Go back to the Communications Center and place the disk on the telephone.


All the fragmented pieces will be available right away in this scene.

  • The red mask goes on the left side of the wall, in between the other 2 masks.
  • The shell goes on the ground, underneath the window, where the other 2 shells are located.
  • The musical instrument goes on the lower left side, next to the other musical instrument.
  • The spear head goes on the right side of the window where the other spear is located.
  • Place the maraca on the the other maraca that is on the lower left side of the scene.
  • Once all the items have been placed you will be given the ingredients for the potion.


  • The last piece of the map will not be available until you’ve performed other actions.
  • Place the cactus in the pot that is in the lower left corner.
  • Place the picture on the part of the wall that has three frames next to each other. The picture goes in the frame that is empty.
  • Place the microphone on the side table, next to the other microphones. Once the last available piece is in place, the last piece of the map will fall on the side table, on top of the grapes
  • Place the map on the large empty frame that is on the left side of the wall.
  • Once you get the phone dial from the Shaman’s Hut place it on the telephone that is close to the window.


  • This is jigsaw puzzle, all you have to do is grab the pieces that are at the bottom and place them in the puzzle area.
  • Once a piece is correct, it will lock in place.
  • You do not have to rotate the pieces in order to make the puzzle pieces fit.
  • After you complete the map, exit out of that room and go to another location.


  • Hat-Top right corner.
  • Badge-Lower right corner.
  • Whistle-Lower center.
  • Night stick-On the edge of the window.
  • Rifle-top left corner.
  • Blue light-left side of the wall.
  • Handcuffs-Left side of the wall.
  • Pistol-Lower left side, on the ground, by the  grapes.
  • Bullhorn-Lower right side.
  • Walkie-Talkie-On a stand that is close to the window.



  • In this scene the last piece of the bench will not be available until later. Place the hat on the hat rack that is next to the shelves.
  • Place the grid on the hole that is on top of the wall, above the bed and a mini game will appear.
  • Place the slipper next to the other slipper that is on the lower right side of the floor.
  • Place the green bottle next to the blue bottle that is in the lower right side.
  • Place the wooden cork on the bottle with steaming liquid that is on top of the bookcase.
  • You will be given a wrench once all the items have been found in that scene.
  • The last piece of the bench will appear above the bottle that is on top of the bookcase.


  • The last piece of the bottle top will not be available until the sink fills with water.
  • Place the pinecone on the top right side, where the other pinecone is.
  • Place the plate next to the other plate that is on the lower left side, under the framed picture.
  • The brush goes in the lower left side along with the other brushes.
  • Place the faucet handle on the faucet over the sink.
  • The yin-yang symbol goes on the top right side of the scene, where you see a small wooden plaque  with space for a circle.
  • Place the wrench on the faucet, click on the faucet to make the water run. Wait for the water to rise and then click on the bottle top that appears in the water.


  • This is like a Simon Sez game in which you need to follow the sequence of lights correctly times in order to beat the game.
  • You will see some red lights flash over the screws that are on the grid, your goal is to click on the same screws in the order that they were presented.
  • The lights will flash more than once on a screw but you only have to press that screw one time only in order to reproduce the sequence.
  • The solution is random so I cannot give you the exact steps to follow.
  • You will have to duplicate sequences three different time. The first one will be three sequences, the second one will be four sequences and the last one will be five sequences.
  • Once you’ve completed the sequences successfully, you will win the mini game.


  • In this scene all the fragmented pieces will be found right away.
  • Place the red flowers in the vase that is on the left side, close to the door.
  • Place the blue cup next to the bottle that is on the dresser.
  • Place the stool next to the 2 stools that are close to the door.
  • The small bottle goes in the toolbox that is on the lower left side. Once the bottle goes in, you will see that you found some glue, it will go into inventory automatically.
  • Place the glue on the wooden plaque on the wall and then place the antlers in the same spot after that.
  • The records will appear behind the wooden plaque on the wall once the antlers have been placed with glue. Grab the records.


  • Keyboard-On the wall above the door.
  • Guitar-On the left side of the door.
  • Trumpet-Outside the door.
  • Saxophone-Lower right side.
  • Tambourine-By the dresser that’s in front of the door.
  • Accordion-In the center of the room.
  • Cymbals-Lower right side.
  • Violin-Lower right side.
  • Musical Note-Top left side, on the wall.
  • Musical Note-Lower left edge of the scene.


  • Game controller-top left side.
  • Soccer ball-Top left side, in the shelf.
  • Toy soldier-Lower left side, on the wheelchair.
  • Skateboard-On the edge of the bed.
  • Toy Gun-On the bed.
  • Hockey Stick-On the side of the bed.
  • Small red car-Lower right side, on the chair.
  • Toy Train-Lower center, on the floor.
  • Water Gun-Top right side.
  • Red backpack-Left edge of the scene.



  • Assemble the totems when you first enter the scene. Please look at the section below which has an explanation of what to do.
  • The last piece of the paper will not be available until other actions have been preformed.
  • Once you find the totem head, place it on the statue in the middle. Don’t forget to grab the last fragmented piece of paper that will appear at the base.
  • Place the mask at the foot of the totem pole, next to the mask that looks identical to it.
  • Place the fan next to the other fan that is on the lower right side of the scene.
  • Place the pineapple next to the other pineapple that is sitting at the base of the totem in the middle.
  • The tambourine goes next to the other tambourine that is at the foot of the third totem.
  • Once you’ve placed the last item, a crystal will be given to you automatically.



  • You have to assemble the totem pieces by moving the pieces around. This is basically the same concept as a Hanoi Tower in which you can only move the pieces around in a certain way.
  • You cannot place anything on top of the heads.
  • You cannot stack pieces above a certain height. You can only stack 3 extra pieces above any of the bases, more than that and it will not take it.
  • You need to place pieces on the two tree stumps that are on each side of the idols so you can move pieces around. Each tree stump can only hold one item at a time.
  • Place the heads on the stumps first since you cannot place anything on top of them anyway.
  • Once a totem is assembled correctly, you will hear some different kind of music and you will not be able to move the pieces on that totem. You will also see that when the piece is completed that the base will open up revealing some fragmented pieces inside.At the beginning of the game you will only be able to build 2 totems completely and the middle one will be missing a head. You will find the last head after you’ve explored different parts of the island.


  • The last tile piece will be available a bit later in the scene.
  • Place the orange in the basket of oranges that is on the right side of the scene, close to the water.
  • Place the glove next to the other glove that is on the ground.
  • The football goes on the lower left side with all the other balls.
  • Place the letter in the typewriter.
  • The road sign belongs to the pole that is on the lower center of the scene.


  • You will notice that the stone on the right side will have some red buttons flashing all over the have to click on the red buttons in the right order for them to stop flashing.
  • Click on all the buttons until one of them stops flashing, you will know at that point that that particular button will always be first in the sequence.
  • Now click on a second button until it stops flashing as well. Once you have your second sequence, keep clicking on the red button until you can get all of them to stop.
  • Once all the red buttons stop flashing you will be able to retrieve the last piece of the blue tile.
  • You’re done with this location.


  • The last piece of the goblet will be available later on.
  • Place the wheel next to the other wheel that is on the top right side.
  • Place the stone head on the body of the statue that is on the left side of the scene.
  • Place the tea cup next to the teapot that is on the lower right side.
  • Place the tile on the rock that has three squares on it
  • Place the hammer on the left side of the scene, on the big rock and the last piece of the goblet will be inside once the rock is cracked open.
  • Done in this scene.


  • All fragmented pieces will be available right away.
  • Place the book on the pile of books that are in the middle of the floor.
  • The vase goes next to the same case that is on the rights side of the floor.
  • The diamond goes on the hook that is hanging on a chain on the ceiling.
  • Place the round jewel on the hole on the wall that is next to the door and a light will go from the diamond to the other 2 jewels on the wall. Ultimately, you will see a green light emerge in the circle of the door.
  • Place the coconut in the lower right side, next to the other coconut.
  • Place the goblet in the treasure chest that is in the lower left side of the scene. You will now be able to click on the green light that is on the door, once you do, a mini game will appear.


  • You have a wheel with different circles inside of them, each with their own design.
  • In the middle of the circle you have a small circle with a design that keeps changing.
  • Your goal is to find the item that best matches the item in the middle of the circle. keep in mind that you need to find the opposite matches. For example: Umbrella=thunder and clouds/ Square=Circle etc.
  • Each time you guess one correctly, it will break the large circles.
  • Follow the same steps until all of the circles have been broken.


  • You will have to find 2 sets of cards in this one scene.
  • In the screenshot the waiter’s items are in red and the soldier’s items are in purple.
  • Glass-Top left side.
  • Cup-Lower left side.
  • Plate-Lower left side.
  • Fork-Lower right side.
  • Silver Tray-Lower center.
  • Spoon-Lower right.
  • White teapot-Lower right.
  • Napkin-Lower right, on top of a box.
  • Chilled champagne-Lower center.
  • Salt and pepper shakers-Lower center.
  • Medal-top left.
  • Cap-Top left, on top of idol.
  • Fatigue vest-Lower left.
  • Canteen-Lower left side.
  • Helmet-Lower center.
  • Walkie-Talkies-Lower center of the scene.
  • Camo hat-Lower right side.
  • Sword-Lower right side, close to the palm tree.
  • Camo Hat-Lower center.
  • Gun-Lower right side.


  • Watch-Top right.
  • Cell phone-Lower right side.
  • Bag of money-Lower right side.
  • 2 wallets-Lower center of the scene.
  • Briefcase-Lower left side.
  • Safe-Lower right side.
  • Money clip-Left edge of the scene.
  • Laptop-Lower center.
  • Tie-Top center of the scene.



  • The last fragment piece for the bell will be available later on.
  • Place the jar on the shelves next to the other 2 jars.
  • The mushrooms go on the shelf next to the other mushrooms.
  • Place the cheese on the cheese wedge that is at the bottom of the shelves.
  • Place the red circle on the part of the wall where the mouse is and then click on the red circle and the cage will open up.
  • Place the melon on the  bowl that is on the lower left side. The game will tell you that you found some cheese. Give the cheese to the mouse and a mini game will appear.
  • Once you complete the maze, the last fragment for the bell will show up on top of the shelf, click on it to complete this location.


  • Your goal is to get the mouse out of the maze by only using the seven pieces of cheese that are available.
  • In order to get the cheese you must click on the area on the maze in which you need the cheese to go to.
  • Make sure that you place the cheese one after another. If you wait too long to place the cheese the mouse will go back in its hole.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of where the cheese should go.


  • The last fragment of the door hinge will not be available until other actions have been performed.
  • Place the gasoline can on the lower left side, next to the other gas cans.
  • Place the wrench on the top left, in the cabinet, next to the other wrench in the cabinet.
  • The saw goes on the back wall next to the other saw.
  • Place the saw blade next to the other blade that is on the right side.
  • Place the screwdriver on the grid that is on the top right side and it will tell you that a cog is missing. Click on it and a mini game will appear.
  • Once the mini game is complete, click on the red lightswitch that is on the right side of the wall. A hook will lift and the last piece of the door hinge will be available. Pick up the door hinge.
  • Go back to the pier and place the door hinge on the door.


  • Your goal is to connect all the cogs so the piece on the right will start rotating.
  • if a piece does not fit a certain location, the game will not let you place it.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the correct position of the cogs.


  • The last piece for the gear will not be available right away.
  • Place the watermelon on the lower left side, next to the watermelon slice.
  • The coiled rope goes next to the other coiled rope that is on the ground.
  • Place the coffee beans next to the garlic string that is on the top left side.
  • Place the bell on the top right side, on the side of the building. Once the bell is in position, click on the bell and a screwdriver will appear.
  • The last piece of the gear will appear on the door.
  • Once you get the door hinge from the BoatWorkshop , place it on the door.


  • Pincers-Top left side.
  • Red wrench-Top left side, on the side of the building.
  • Pliers-Above the door.
  • Drill-Lower right side.
  • Screwdriver-Lower left side.
  • Toolbox-In front of the door.
  • mallet-lower center.
  • Jack-Lower center, on the ground.
  • Blowtorch-Lower right side.
  • Engine-Lower right side.


  • In this scene you have to look for cards of two different people.
  • The doctor’s items are highlighted in red.
  • The jeweler’s items are highlighted in yelllow.
  • Crutches-Left edge of the scene.
  • First aid kit-Outside the door.
  • Suction Bulb-On the middle shelf.
  • Pills-Lower left side of the floor.
  • 2 packs-On top of the wooden stand.
  • Syringe-Lower right side.
  • Medical Kit-Right side on top of the brown cage.
  • X-ray-top right corner.
  • Surgical cap-On the top shelf.
  • Blue ice bag-Lower left side.
  • Jeweled staff-Above the door.
  • Gold chalice-Top left side of the shelf.
  • Gold necklace-On the top shelf.
  • Gold horseshoe-Top right side of the top shelf.
  • Diamond-On the right edge of the shelf in the middle.
  • Crown-Lower right side.
  • Gold comb-On the floor close to the door and the shelf.
  • Chest-by the door.
  • Bracelet-Lower left side.
  • Chalice-Bottom shelf.



  • All fragmented pieces are available right away in this scene.
  • Place the red wheel on the boiler that is in the middle of the floor and you will notice that a hand appears when you place your cursor over it.
  • Place the lock on the top right side, where the other 2 locks are.
  • Place the rusted cylinder on top of the boiler, where the steam is coming out of.
  • Place the orange hard hat next to the other one, lower left corner.
  • Now you can turn the red wheel on the boiler.
  • Place the gray mitt next to the other mitt that is on the left side of the wall.
  • The game will place a box of matches in your inventory.
  • Done in this room.


  • All fragmented pieces are available right away in this scene.
  • Place the pot next to the other pot that is on the left side of the scene.
  • If you hover your mouse over the safe that’s in the lower left side, you will see a hand appear. Click on the safe to play a mini game. the solution for the mini game is in the section below.
  • Place the bucket on the ground, directly above the faucet. Click on the faucet and the bucket will fill with water.
  • Put the green rag on the bucket that is filled with water and the game will automatically give you a wet rag.
  • Place the boot alongside the other boot that is next to the bucket.
  • Place the light on top of the boat. the light needs to go next to the light that is on the top left side of the boat but it will actually move to the top right side automatically.
  • Place the wet rag on the dirty window of the boat.


  • There are 4 color coded squares on the lower right side of the screen. Those squares with the holes in them have to be placed on the numbers that are on the left side of the page. each paper can only fit on one part of the numbers. You will know that the papers are in the right place when you are able to see numbers on all of the holes in that paper.
  • You will notice that one of the holes has a color surrounding it, that color represents the number that has to be placed on the dial above. The card will lock in place when it is in the right spot.
  • Once all 4 cards are correct you need to enter those numbers, according to their colors, on the dial that is on the top right side.
  • The numbers on the top side of the screen, have arrows on top and at the bottom. You can use those arrows to change the numbers so you can get the code.
  • The answer should be the same for everyone. Place the numbers 3 7 0 8 on the dials and you’ll break the code.


  • The last piece of the watch will be available after you’ve performed other actions.
  • Place the red cone on the board with the other cone.
  • Place the orange medal in the lower right side, next to the other medals.
  • Place the lantern on the rope that is hanging on the left side of the ceiling. The game tells you that you should try firing it up.
  • Place the pressure gauge on the large metal container that is on the lower right side.
  • You will find some solvent after you placed three items in the scene. The solvent (rust remover) will automatically go into inventory.
  • Place the matches on the lantern that is on the top left side and he will tell you that there’s something inside. The last fragmented piece of the clock will appear above the large vase that is close to the lantern, click on the piece.
  • Click on the lock that is on the left side of the ceiling and he tells you that it is completely covered with rust. Place the solvent on the lock. Then place the key on the lock and the roof will open up.


  • All fragmented pieces are available right away in this scene.
  • Place the apple in the briefcase that is in the lower right side of the scene.
  • Place the green bottle next to the other 2 bottles that are on the floor.
  • The clock goes in the case that is on the lower left corner of the scene.
  • Place the map piece on the map that is on the left side of the back wall.
  • Place the cup of milk on the left side of the scene where you see the bread and the bowl of cereal.
  • Click on the laptop that is in the back of the room and a mini game will open up.


  • When you open up the laptop you will see that there are a lot of post-it notes surrounding the screen, one of those set of numbers is the password that you need.
  • to enter the numbers, click on the top row of numbers on the keyboard that is on the screen, NOT on your computer. Please look at the screenshot.
  • Once you entered the numbers click on the “ENTER” key that is on the right side of the screen. If the answer is correct you will win the game. If it’s not correct, you will have to try another set of numbers until you get it done correctly.
  • In my case the correct numbers were 25378.


  • You will have to find 2 sets of cards in this one scene.
  • The items highlighted on yellow belong to the farmer.
  • The items in green belong to the stylist.
  • Jar of pickles-Lower left side.
  • Watermelon-Lower left side.
  • Scythe-Left side, on top of the dresser.
  • Sunflower-in the center, above the dresser.
  • Eggs-On the dresser.
  • Pumpkin-Above the dresser, on the right side of it.
  • Pitchfork-top right side.
  • Jar-Lower right side.
  • Carrots-Lower center of the scene.
  • Berries-Lower left side.
  • Razor-Lower left side.
  • Mirror-Lower left side.
  • Scissors-Lower left side.
  • Hair dryer-Lower left side.
  • Make-up kit-Lower center of the scene.
  • Electric Trimmer-Lower right side.
  • Blue Bottle-Lower right corner.
  • Lipstick-Top right side.
  • Blush Brush-Top right.
  • Comb-to the right of the dresser.


  • Baseball bat-Left edge of the scene.
  • Trophy-left side, on top of the chair.
  • Basketball-Lower left side.
  • Blue boxing gloves-Lower right side.
  • Barbell-lower left side of the floor.
  • Dumbbells-Under the bed.
  • Weight-Right side, on the cabinet.
  • Fins-Top right side.
  • Soccer Ball-Top left side.
  • Ice skate-Under the laptop.



  • The last piece of the lock will not be available until later.
  • Place the blue flower with the other blue flowers that are on the top right side of the screen.
  • Place the creme vase on the floor with the other vases.
  • Place the barrel on the lower right corner of the scene.
  • Place the chest on the lower left side, along with the other 3 chests that are in the scene.
  • There’s a tall stone tower in the middle of the scene, if you place your cursor over it, you will see a hand appear. Click on the tower to move the cylinders until they are all in the right position. When all pieces are in the right place, you will hear some different music and all the pieces will lock together.
  • Once the tower is in place the last piece of the lock will be available on top of the tower, you will have to wait until you can click on it.
  • Place the helmet on the lower left side of the scene along with the other helmets. You will get some sticks.
  • Place the sticks on the door, where the beast is and a mini game will appear.
  • Once you’re done with the mini game you will be able to click on the last piece of the lock that is on top of the tower.


  • Your goal is to lower the bars all the way to the bottom by matching three bricks of the same color vertically.
  • The way you have to make the match is sliding the bricks from side to side so you can align them. Once three colors are aligned, the bricks will break apart and the bar that is above that column will drop down one space.
  • You should be able to slide all three rows of bricks, if you CANNOT move all three rows, exit out of the game completely, by the time you come back all rows should move.
  • Once all the bars are all the way down, you will win the game.


  • In order to burn a hole on the stack of hay, you have to click on the magnifying glass icon that is on the lower right side of the page, click and hold the icon until you see a small beam of light burn through the hay.
  • The smaller the light is the faster the hay will burn. Please look at the screenshot to see the best position for the magnifying glass.
  • You have to do it several times and as fast as possible for the best results.
  • Once you’ve completed the game, the last piece of the helmet will be available in the hole that appears on the side of the boat.


  • There will be 2 missing pieces to the picture, you will be able to get them after other actions have been performed.
  • Place the gold coin on the chest that is in the lower right corner.
  • Place the drum on the left side of the floor, next to the other drum.
  • Place the globe on the lower left side, where the maps are.
  • Place the wheel on the cart that is on the top left side. The game will automatically place a magnifying glass in your inventory.
  • Place the oil can on the hinges and then click on the door. Once the door opens pick up the picture piece that sits on the ground.
  • Place the weight on the large red bar that is on to of the scene. the weight has to be placed on the right side of the bar. The bar will lift up, you can pick up the last piece of the picture under the left side of the bar.


  • Click on the nest that is on the right side of the ground and a mini game will appear.
  • Please read the section below for instructions on how to play this game. Please remember to grab the last piece of the helmet that appears inside the hole on the side of the ship.
  • Place the jug on the ground with the rest of the jugs.
  • Place the round shield next to the red shield that is on the ground.
  • Place the ice pick on the barrel that is on the left side of the ground and you will see some oil start to spill.
  • Place the oil can on the barrel so that it can place the oil inside of the can. The can will go back into inventory full.
  • Go back to the deck for now and place the oil can on the hinges that are on the door. Once the door opens click on the photo piece.
  • Once you’ve collected the photo from the deck, place it on the frame that is in the lower right side of the scene, next to the other photo.


  • You will have to find 2 sets of cards in this one scene.
  • The Seamstress’s items are highlighted in red.
  • The Girls items are in yellow.
  • Pink video game-Lower left side.
  • Pink bag-Lower left side.
  • Hat-Lower left side.
  • Shovel-Top left side.
  • Umbrella-Under the palm tree.
  • Doll-On the ground, close to the stream of water.
  • Pink Dress-Under the palm tree on the right.
  • Teddy bear-In a basket on the right side.
  • Pink Skate-lower right side.
  • Cell phone-Lower right side.


  • Hanger-Top right side.
  • Body form-Right side, close to the palm tree.
  • Measuring Tape-Lower right side.
  • Roll of fabric-Lower right side.
  • Iron-In the center of the scene.
  • Yarn and needles-Lower left side, close to the water stream.
  • Sewing Machine-Lower left side.
  • Thread-Lower left side.
  • Scissors-Left edge of the scene.
  • Button-Lower left side.



  • All fragmented pieces will be available right away.
  • Place the gold case on top of the pile of gold that is on the lower left side.
  • Place the bowl on the gold serving tray that is on the lower left side.
  • The skull goes on top of the pillar that is on the left hand side.
  • Place the emerald in the box that is in the lower right corner.
  • Place the scissors on the left side of the rope that is on the ceiling. The rope will break apart and a mosaic tile will fall on the lower right side, next to the vase and the helmet.
  • Click on the tile and it will go into inventory. Take the mosaic tile and place it on the back wall. You will now have to put all the tiles in the right order. Please look at the section below for a picture of the solution.
  • After you completed the mosaic tiles, there will be 2 items that appear on the table, click on both those items to end this round.


  • Click on 2 tiles and they will swap places irregardless of their position in the puzzle.
  • Start with the edges first and then work your way in.
  • Please enlarge the screenshot for the solution to this puzzle.


  • The last piece of the playing card will not be available right away.
  • Place the hat on the uniform that is on the right hand side.
  • The loaf of bread goes on the barrel by the window, next to the other loaf of bread.
  • Place the sunflower on the rope that is on the left side of the ceiling, next to the other sunflowers.
  • Place the shovel in the pile of debris that is on the lower left side and it will clean it up.
  • The brush goes on the lower center of the scene, next to the other brushes.
  • Place the rocks in the bucket that is hanging from the ceiling and the bucket will fall down to the ground and the last piece of the card will be revealed. Pick the card piece and proceed to the dungeon.


  • The last piece of the bowl will not be available right away.
  • Place the picture in the frame that is on the right side of the back wall.
  • Place the green cup on the ceiling next to the other cups.
  • Place the pirate flag on the top left side, by the bars and you will receive a shovel.
  • Place the axe on the wooden beams that are on the right side of the screen and a cannonball will fall and open the gate. Pick up the last piece of the bowl at the bottom of the door.
  • After you get the card from the pirate’s lair, place it on the right side of the scene, next to the other card.


  • Globe-Lower left side.
  • Laptop Lower left side.
  • Red notebook-Left side, on top of the chest.
  • Compass-Lower center, on top of the chest.
  • Map-Lower right side.
  • Microscope-Lower right side.
  • Blue pencil-Under the sunflowers, left side.
  • Protractor-


  • Shovel-Lower left side.
  • Spray bottle-Next to the cell.
  • Hand rake-On the left side of the floor.
  • Watering can-Lower right side.
  • Pruning Shears-Lower right side.
  • Clay Pot-Top right side.
  • Saw-Above the door.
  • Lawn mower-In front of the door.
  • Basket of fruit-Top right side of the back wall.


  • Hose-Top left side.
  • Tool-left side, leaning against the pillar.
  • Red cone-Lower left side.
  • Fire Hydrant-In front of the mosaic tile.
  • Flashlight-Lower center.
  • Fire extinguisher-On the lower right side of the mosaic tile.
  • Fire helmet-Lower right side.
  • Yellow tanks-Lower right corner.
  • Jacket-Top right side.



  • The last piece of the dartboard will not be available right away.
  • Place the horseshoe next to the other horseshoe that is on the large stone block.
  • The dustpan goes next to the broom in the lower right corner.
  • Place the weight on the hook that is on the top left side of the scene and the game will announce that you just found a piece of dinalius (looks like a rock). He tells you that you need to take it back to the sculptor.
  • Place the 3 balls on the hanging bowl that is on the right side and you will see water falling down the wooden ramp onto the small tub that is on the left side.
  • Place the bucket on the tub of water and you will receive the bucket back but it will be full of water.
  • The last piece of the dartboard will be in the top right corner, pick it up.
  • Go to the art studio for now.
  • Once you get the amulet base from the art studio place it on the anvil and a mini game will appear.




  • In this mini game you need to recreate the picture that you see on the left side by clicking on the dots that are on the right side.
  • If you make a mistake, just click on “replay” and you can start over the last one you were recreating.
  • You have to recreate 4 images to win the game.
  • Once you’ve completed the challenges you will receive an amulet.



  • The plate goes in the bookshelf that is on the right side.
  • Place the sponge next to the bucket of water that is on the lower right side.
  • Use the hammer and place it on the parts of the horse that are highlighted in the screenshot. The pieces that you clicked on will fall to the ground.
  • There are 8 pieces that you need to knock off in total. All the pieces are highlighted in blue in the screenshot.
  • Give the man the rock and a mini game will open up.
  • Once the mini game is completed you will get a mock-up for making an amulet.
  • He tells you that you need to go back to the quarry because the base of the amulet is ready. Go back to the Stone Quarry.
  • After you receive the amulet over at the Quarry, follow these steps.
  • Put the dartboard on the top left side of the scene.
  • The page goes on the open book that is on the lower right side.
  • Now you can go to the keeper.


  • Your goal is to recreate the way the man on the right hits the hammer.
  • To get started click on the square that is on the podium of the man on the right and he will bang his hammer several times. Make sure that you pay attention to the order in which he bangs the hammer because you will have to recreate it.
  • After he’s done with his sequence recreate the order by clicking on the 2 squares on the podium of the man on the left.
  • The left square controls his left hand and the right square controls his right hand.
  • Recreate several sequences to win the game. Once you’re done with this game go back to the art studio.


  • Place the sack on the lower left side, behind the statue.
  • Put the bucket of water on the fire that’s burning by the idol.
  • Place the teapot next to the other teapot that is in front of the statue.
  • The lemon goes on the bowl of lemons that is on the lower right side.
  • Place the chisel on the large stone cauldron that is on the lower right side.
  • Then place the bucket of water on the cauldron and it will turn off the fire that is coming out of the ground and in front of the statue.
  • Place the candle on the candle holder that is on the right side of the scene.
  • The stone disk (amulet) goes in the center of the large statue.


  • White bottle-Top left side.
  • Mixed drink-Lower left side.
  • Coffeemaker-Top left side.
  • Bottle opener-Lower left side.
  • Ice cream bowl-Lower left side.
  • Microwave-Lower left side.
  • Blender-Lower right side.
  • Drink shaker-Lower right side.
  • Drink-Lower right side.
  • Frozen drink-Lower left side.


  • Telescope-Lower left corner.
  • Fins-Top left side.
  • Raft-Top left side.
  • Ship’s Wheel-In the center if the scene.
  • Diver’s Helmet-Lower center.
  • Paddle-Lower right side.
  • Anchor-Lower right.
  • Life jacket-Lower right side.
  • Life preserver-Top right, on the roof.
  • Binoculars-Low right side.



  • The last piece of the dish rag will not be available right away.
  • Place the bagel on the top left side.
  • Place the purple flower with the other ones in the lower left side.
  • Place the picture of the glass on the right side of the ground along with the other food pictures.
  • Place the rope on the large bell that is hanging in the center of the scene. If you hover your mouse over the bell, a hand will show up.
  • Click on the bell and it will shatter the tower that is on the right side. The last piece of the dish rag will show up, pick it up.
  • Place the mask on the tower that is on the right side and you will receive a piece of the amulet.


  • All fragmented pieces are available right away.
  • Place the juice container on the lower part of the ground with the other bottles.
  • The bowling pin goes on the lower left side along with the other pins.
  • Place the creme ball on the tower that is on the left  side.
  • Place the kiwi on the lower right side along with the other pieces.
  • The billiard ball goes on the lower left side, by the bucket.
  • The puzzle will now be ready to be played. This is a simple memory game in which you have to click on the stone tiles on the opposite columns until you match all 4 symbols.
  • Once you’ve completed the mini game, the game will tell you that you’ve assembled the artifact.


  • All the fragmented pieces are available right away.
  • Place the tile with the arrow in the hole that is underneath the large wheel.
  • Place the corn on the lower center of the scene.
  • Place the grapes on the top right side.
  • Place the dish rag on the clothes line that is on the left side.
  • Place the pearl inside the shell that is on the lower left side.
  • After you received the amulet from the temple entrance place it in the middle of the wheel and a maze will be revealed. You have to turn the wheel around so you can get the ball out of the center of the maze.
  • Use your left and right arrows to manipulate the ball out of the maze.
  • Complete the maze to finish this level.


  • Chef knife-top left.
  • Cheese grater-Under the yellow and red dish rags that are hanging on the clothes line.
  • Food processor-Lower left side.
  • Rolling pin-Lower left side, on the side of a large bowl.
  • Chef’s hat-Under the maze.
  • Blue pot-Lower right side.
  • Colander-Lower right side.
  • Teapot-Lower left side.
  • Ladle-lower left side.
  • Pan-Lower left corner.



  • The last piece of the clock will not be available right away.
  • Place the guava fruit on the lower right side, next to the other guava pieces.
  • The piggy bank goes next to the coins in the lower center of the page.
  • Place the curtain ring on the curtain and it will open up revealing the last piece of the clock.
  • Place the napkin over the the line that is on top of the scene.
  • Go to the Actor’s Room for now.
  • Once you get the pear, place it on the lower left side along with the other pear.


  • The last piece of the pear will not be available right away.
  • Place the red bottle next to the other bottle that is by the window sill on the right hand side.
  • The sheet of music goes on the wooden stand that is by the back window.
  • Place the gold cymbal on the left side of the wall.
  • Place the knife on the curtain that is on the back wall and it will open up. Pick up the last pear piece that appears.
  • The knob goes on the drawer that belongs to the dresser.


  • All fragmented pieces are available right away.
  • The red paint goes in the can that is on the lower right side.
  • The blue cap goes on the bust that is on the  right side.
  • The briefcase goes on the floor by the window, next to the other briefcase.
  • The alarm clock goes on the top right side, on the shelf with the other clock.
  • Dip the brush in the red paint and place it on the canvas that is by the window.
  • Dip the brush in the blue paint and then place it on the canvas again.


  • This card has items for 2 different themes.
  • In the screenshot the hunter items are in yellow.
  • The driver items are in blue.
  • Camo jacket-Top left side.
  • Moose head-Top left side.
  • Knife-Top center of the ceiling
  • Backpack-In the center of the scene.
  • Camo bag-Lower left side, in front of the dresser.
  • Binoculars-Left side, on the carpet.
  • Camo hat-By the window that is on the right side.
  • Belt-Top right edge of the scene.
  • Rifle-In front of the dresser.
  • Wheel-top right side.
  • Helmet-On the right side of the dresser.
  • Grid-Lower right side.
  • Rear view mirror-Top center.
  • Light-Lower right side.
  • License Plate-Lower right side.
  • Tire-Lower left side.
  • Muffler-Lower left side.
  • Silver piece-lower center of the floor.
  • Red gas can-Left side of the scene.


  • Rifle-Lower left side.
  • Knife-Lower left side.
  • Pharaoh-Lower left side.
  • Urn-In the center of the room.
  • Ankh-Right side of the platform.
  • Sword-top right side.
  • Scroll-Center of the platform.
  • Book-Lower right side.
  • Shield-Behind the curtain.
  • Mask-Lower center of the scene.


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