Quality is better than quantity. We’ll maintain that this is true, because even though we revel in the fact that new mobile games drop every week and we love it when some of them are awesome, the fact is that we can only take so many good ones in a relatively short period of time.
For one thing, there’s a question of storage space on our phones and tablets. Too many sweet titles released too close together means we have to delete something, and whether it was last month’s hot game or an old favorite, that’s a decision we never enjoy making.
There’s also the chance our brains will simply explode like one of the people from Scanners. That’s messy and we try to avoid it.
Anyway, this is merely the somewhat rambling way of saying that while there this week’s most promising new mobile games won’t blow you away with sheer numbers, there are some that will no doubt vie for your attention and your storage space right off the bat. That makes it just as good as any other week, at least to us.
South Park: Phone Destroyer
If you’re a fan of South Park and the irreverent humor that has sustained it for more than 20 seasons on TV, you need to download Phone Destroyer as soon as possible. Even in just a few short hours with it, we were blown away by how it takes card-based strategy gameplay (think Clash Royale, but played horizontally and with tons more chaos) and combines it with a ton of South Park characters. It could also legitimately be called Fourth Wall Destroyer for the hilarious way it makes you a character in the kids’ game of cowboys and indians … and pirates … and other stuff. Highly recommended unless you’re easily offended, but then that’s South Park.
- App Store (free)
- Google Play (free)
Words With Friends 2
All we’re going to say is that the first Words With Friends was a monster hit, and that alone is likely to make this sequel very interesting to a lot of people. Including, of course, some of your friends with whom you matched wits the first time. In addition to the classic one-on-one gameplay you’d expect, Zynga has taken things in both directions, adding solo challenges so you can play on your own and a Lightning Round mode that teams you with up to five other players. Plus there are more than 50,000 new words, so hopefully you’ve been spending some time reading the dictionary in recent months. You know, just for fun.
- App Store (free)
- Google Play (free)
Cally’s Caves 4
Cally is back for more, perhaps somewhat obviously thanks to the ‘4’ in the title. But this is quantitatively her biggest action-platformer adventure ever, packed with more than 300 levels, tons of different enemies, a nice variety of different weapon classes to play Cally exactly the way you want, and much more. Oh, and that much more includes the ninja bear Bera as a playable character. Basically, if you enjoyed any of the previous games in the series or just classic games of this genre, this is what you want to download and try this week.
- App Store (free)
Catan Stories
Everyone knows Settlers of Catan, whether it’s from the original board game or its digital forms. But why limit its world to just one kind of game? Catan Stories is a text-based adventure set in Catan, where you guide three different heroes 70 years after settler first arrived. As you semi-literally write their story, you have to consider each decision carefully in terms of how it will affect that tale. The original creators of Catan helped with the development, so it’s as legit as it comes and what appears to be an awesome way to dive deeper into an already beloved gaming locale.
- App Store ($1.99)
- Google Play ($1.99)