Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville Tips Walkthrough

a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:”section_title”;s:43:”Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville Tips”;s:12:”section_body”;s:32412:”Check out our strategy guide for Yard Sale Hidden Treasures:Sunnyville.


  • There are 2 modes in this game, Career and Sunnyville Tour. Career mode is your usual search and find mode that has some mini games in between. Sunnyville Tour can only be unlocked once you’ve completed the game in Career Mode.
  • In Sunnyville Tour you will have access to all the houses that you played in Career Mode. You can search for all the items available for each location.
  • Sunnyville Tour will also have the stars available that you can use as hints when you find them. As soon as you find one star, another star will sparkle. Try to beat your fastest time in each house.
  • At the beginning of the game you will be asked if you want to play in Timed mode or Relaxed mode. Choose Relaxed mode of you don’t want to play against the clock.
  • When you are in Timed Mode, clicking too many incorrect items will take 30 seconds off your clock.
  • There will be a list of special items that need to be found, some of these items will need painting and fixing before you place them in their appropriate rooms.
  • You will start each level with 3 hints, in order to get more hints you will need to find the stars that are hidden in each scene. Each scene only contains one star.
  • The stars will sparkle in the scene, making them easier to spot. There will be other things besides stars that sparkle in some scenes, especially in the Sailor Bob location.
  • You get a time bonus when you find several items back to back in the search and find missions.
  • You can always go back to a level that you’ve already unlocked and replay it in order to get a higher rating. Once you’ve completed the game, you will not be able to go back, it will start you over from the beginning.
  • You can switch the location you are playing by clicking where it says "map" this way you can toggle back and forth between locations when you get stuck in a scene.
  • Some of the objects you need to look for are hidden within moving parts, I found an arrow on the ferris wheel that was turning in the R. masters scene. Make sure that you look at everything carefully.
  • Some items can be very tiny and hard to see, you may want to hold on to your hints so you can use them on those hard to find items.
  • Look for items that are against the same colored backgrounds. For example, look for bananas against yellow walls, apples against a red surface etc.
  • Some items will look like shadows on the grass and walls, leave no stone unturned. Other items are partially hidden behind other items. You may only see the legs of a chair, or the top of a picture frame. Use your imagination when looking for things.


  • You will be given some items that need to be repaired in a variety of ways. Not all items that you pick up at the yard sale need to be repaired.
  • The more accurate you are and the faster you are at it, the higher rating you will receive at the end of each project.
  • There are a lot of things to paint, cut and fix. You will do a lot of these jobs with similar tools.
  • Once you’ve collected and repaired all the products, you will be taken back to the room in which they belong to.
  • Take the items from the left side of the screen and drag them to the main scene.
  • Once you pick up an item, you will see an outline of where the piece needs to go, just place it in that spot.
  • The section below explains how to use the tools in the best way possible.


  • You need to click and hold the item that you want to pick up and then release the mouse when you need to drop the piece off.

Cleaning with a rag

  • Click and hold the rag with your mouse and drag it back and forth against the surface that needs to be cleaned.

Cutting Tools – knives, scissors, blade etc.

  • You will be asked to cut pieces of glass, metal and wood.
  • In order to cut them you will use a variety of tools but they will all be used in the same basic manner.
  • Just place your mouse and drag it across the lines that show up on the item that needs cutting.
  • You don’t have to lift your mouse to go around corners, simply follow the lines.
  • You will earn a higher rating when you gut things precisely and quickly.


  • Place the glue on the highlighted area and drag your mouse across it.
  • You have to make sure that no highlighted pieces are showing or you will not be able to continue until you do.

Paint Can

  • To use the paint can all you have to do is click, hold and drag your mouse over the surface that needs painting. When the paint can is not in use, the can will start shaking.
  • You have to make sure that you cover the entire area that you’re painting or you will not be able to move on to the next step.
  • If an item has two sides to it, you will have to flip the item over so you can paint both sides. You’ll see the word "flip" appear once the item has been properly painted.
  • If the item is flat, like a picture frame, then you will not need to flip it over.


  • On some occasions you will be asked to stencil on some designs on assorted items.
  • You will need to drag the stencil unto the item that needs it and then you will have to dip your paintbrush in the container of paint.
  • The paintbrush will be dry after a while and you will need to add some more paint to it whenever it runs dry.


M.T Graves – Wish List Items

  • Star – Lower left side on the fire hydrant.
  • Milk Can – Lower left side.
  • Wall Mirror – Top of the scene.
  • Rusty Chain – Top right side.
  • Sailor Bob – Wish List Item
  • Star – Top side, on one of the flags.
  • Throw Rug – Blue rolled up rug, lower left side.

Sailor Bob

Treasure Map Mini Game

  • At the beginning of the level you will see the map that you need to reproduce in front of you, that image will only last for a few seconds.
  • Once the picture is jumbled up, you will need to drag your mouse in the direction that the arrows are pointing to.
  • Just remember that the top and bottom piece do not move.
  • The pieces that are in the correct position will lock into place.
  • Once you’ve moved all the pieces horizontally, you will need to start moving them vertically.
  • Just repeat the same procedure as described above until all pieces lock together.
  • Once you’ve assembled the map correctly you will be given the Ship’s Lantern.


E. Stein – Wish List Items

  • Star – Upper left side, on the concrete blocks that are on the side of the building.
  • Lamp Base – Lower left side, on the table, it’s a blue base.
  • Damaged Picture – Inside a cardboard box, that is on the steps by the house.

J. Dean – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top right side, on the trailer.
  • Flowers – On the side of the trailer, inside a box that is not too far from the door.
  • Pillow – Left side, in the trunk of the car.

T. Hugger – Wish List Items

  • Star – Lower right side.
  • Lamp Shade – Lower right side, behind the tree stump.
  • Pillow – Top center, on the porch of the tree house.

Missing Records

  • Collect all the records that were snatched by the bats and placed all over the scene.
  • Once you find all the paintings, J. Dean will give you an oil painting.


The Colonel – Wish List Items

  • Star – On the left side of the building.
  • Ammo Box – On the left side of the building.
  • Green Baluster – On the right side of the building.
  • Red Baluster – Lower left side.

R. Masters – Wish List Items

  • Star – Lower right side, on the posted with the elephant.
  • Blue Baluster – In a wooden box, lower right side, under the elephant poster.
  • 5 juggling balls
  • 1 – green ball, lower right side.
  • 2 – red ball, lower left side, on top of the barrel.
  • 3 – green ball, far left side, on the ground, in front of the tent door.
  • 4 – blue ball, lower left side, on the circle that is on the ground.
  • 5 – red ball, top right side, on top of blue ticket booth.

Atia – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top left side.
  • Plate, on the ground, in front of the steps.
  • Woven Basket – Far right side, close to the steps.
  • Purple Baluster – Lower left side

Broken Statue

  • You need to find the pieces of the broken statue that are scattered around the scene.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the items.

Repair Statue

  • The statue will be broken into several pieces, it is your job to piece it back together.
  • Grab a piece with your mouse and hold it, right click your mouse in order to rotate the piece into the position you want.
  • You have to start from the bottom up, so place the legs at the base of the statue first.
  • The pieces will only stay in the middle if they have been placed correctly.
  • Once the statue is repaired, you will receive some togas.


Miss Kitty – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top center, it’s a white start that is on the white tower.
  • Frame – Lower left side, in a box that is in front of the house.
  • Coffee Grinder – Lower right side, in between the crates on the floor.
  • Stool – Lower right edge of the scene, you can barely see it but it’s there.
  • Painting – Lower left side, on the wooden cart.

Sir Loin of Beef – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top right side.
  • Numbers, 4 of them.
  • 9 – Lower left side, on the side of a bowl that is on the table.
  • 3 – Lower left side of the castle, it blends in with the bricks.
  • 12 – On the gate of the castle.
  • 6 – Far lower right side, on the barrel that is straight up.
  • Salt and Pepper Shakers – Lower left side, on the table.

Mrs. Martin – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top right side, on the fence.
  • Kettle, lower left side, under the round table.
  • There are 8 test tubes in the scene, they are circled in red in the screenshot.

Sandy – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top left side.
  • Clock Frame – Top left side of the hut.
  • Winery sign – right side, on top on the table.

Collect 12 power crystals

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all 12 crystals.

Restore power crystals

  • You will see the crystals that you just collected scattered around the scene.
  • Pick them up one by one and place them on the grid.
  • Once you pick up a crystal the place where the crystal goes will light up, there’s no way to make a wrong move on this puzzle.
  • Once you’ve assembled everything correctly you will receive a metal plate.


Equations – Mrs Martin

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the equations.

Equations – Atia

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the equations.

Equations – Sandy

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the equations.

E Stein – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top left side.
  • Train – 3 pieces
  • Red Train – Left side, on top of the globe.
  • Blue Train – Lower left side.
  • Green Train, under the small table
  • Blue Chair – lower right side.

R Masters – Wish List Items

  • Pogo stick – Lower right side, it’s green.
  • Bucket, Purple bucket, lower right side.
  • Yellow Chair – Lower left side, behind the white barrel.
  • Jack – Yellow, top left side, it blends in with the yellow part of the tent.
  • Ball – Lower right side, on the ground, under Ferris wheel.

J Dean

  • Star – On the side of the trailer, close to the door.
  • Rocking Horse – Left edge of the scene.
  • Hula Hoop – Left side, leaning against table, it is white and red.
  • Red Chair – Lower right side, it is well hidden , it is on the side of the small white table.
  • There are 4 bedposts finials, please look at the items that are in green in the screenshot.

T Huggers – Wish List Items

  • Star – On the door of the tree house.
  • Barrel – Lower right side, on the ground by the tree house.
  • Green Chair – Lower left side, very hard to see.
  • Teddy Bear – Top left side of the tree house.


20 Coins – Atia

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the coins.

20 Coins – E Stein

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the coins.

20 Coins – Sandy

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the coins.

Miss Kitty – Wish List Items

  • Star – top left side, on the roof.
  • Checker Board – Left side, on the outside of the cabin.
  • Table Top – Right side, leaning against the orange cart.
  • Backgammon Board – Lower right side, under the wooden cart.

M.T. Graves – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top left side, on the window of the highest point of the house.
  • Shutter 1 – Top left side of the house.
  • Shutter 2 – Lower right side of the house.
  • Chinese Checkers Board – In the center of the scene, on the outside of the house.
  • Pinball Machine – Lower right side of the house.

Sailor Bob – Wish List Items

  • Star – Lower right side of the houseboat, close to the steps.
  • Gumball Machine – Far right side, at the end of the dock.
  • Dart Board – In the front of the houseboat, between the door and the window.

Sir Loin of Beef – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top left side.
  • Red Pool Ball 1 Top of the castle, on the chimney.
  • Blue Pool Ball 2 – Lower left side.
  • Red Pool Ball 3 – Lower right side, behind one of the barrels.
  • Green Pool Ball 4 – Far right side, by the small round table.
  • TiQal Board – On the ground, in the center, in front of the entrance to the castle.

The Colonel – Wish List Items

  • Star – Lower right side of the building.
  • Parcheesi Board – Lower right side of the building.
  • Traffic Sign – Lower left side of the building, above the red barrels.


E. Stein – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top right side.
  • Faucet Part 1 – Top of the building, on the observation tower.
  • Faucet Part 2 – Lower left side, at the bottom of the large globe.
  • Faucet Part 3 – Lower right side, on the side of the wooden table.
  • Handle – Lower rights side of the house, on the wooden railing.

J. Dean – Wish List Items

  • Star – On top of the trailer.
  • Frame – On the side of the trailer, close to the door.
  • Rubber Ducky – On the dashboard of the car.

Mrs. Martin – Wish List Items

  • Star – left side, on the roof, just above the fence.
  • Sink Basin, on the top left side of the UFO.
  • Side Table – Lower left side, against the white picket fence.

R. Master – Wish List Items

  • Star – On the yellow door of the small house.
  • Traffic Sign – Above the blue ticket booth.
  • Colorful Painting – Left edge of the scene, close to the center part.

T. Huggers – Wish List Items

  • Star – On the door of the tree house.
  • Stool – Lower right side, behind the tree stump.
  • Pail – Lower left side, under the table that is closest to the tree house.

Bottles of Paint and a T – Shirt – Sir Loin of Beef

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the bottles.
  • T – Shirt – White, top right edge of the scene.


Atia – Wish List Items

  • Star – lower left side.
  • Seat pad – By the left side of the steps, it is green.
  • Dancing Art Piece – Lower left of the house.

Fish Tank Decorations and Fish – Mrs. Martin

  • Please look at the screenshot for the location of all the fish and the decorations for the tank.

Miss Kitty – Wish List Items

  • Star – behind the cabin, on the water tower.
  • Bed Frame – On the porch of the house, under the "Yard Sale" sign.
  • Seat Pad – On the ground, close to the house, by the barrel.

M.T. Graves – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top left side, on the widow of the highest point of the house.
  • Gold Mask – On the ground, in front of the house, lower center.
  • Carved Statuette – Green abstract figure, lower left side.

Sailor Bob – Wish List Items

  • Seat Pad – Green, lower right side, on the deck.
  • Bowling Pin. In the water, lower left side.

Sandy – Wish List Items

  • Star – Lower right side, on the side of the large stone head.
  • Frame – White thin metal frame, lower right side. Leaning against the table.
  • Portal Window – On the sand, by the second tree, close to the ocean.

Sir Loin of Beef – Wish List Items

  • Star – Top left side, on the chimney.
  • Ladder, Lower left side, leaning against the castle.
  • Pillow – Green pillow, lower right side, close to the castle.


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