Transformers: Earth Wars is a base-building strategy game (not unlike Clash of Clans, really) from SpaceApe and Backflip Studios. There’s a bit more than this Clash-with-Transformers offering than meets the eye, however. Gamezebo’s Transformers: Earth Wars tips, cheats, and strategies will help you get your chosen faction into fighting shape, and hopefully put an end to this war once and for all (note: it won’t actually end the war).
Base Management
- Worry about resources first. You’ll want to make sure you have your harvesting structures and storage areas built and fully upgraded (to what your current HQ level will allow) before stressing too much over your defenses. The more you can stockpile, the more you can build and upgrade later.
- Leave obstacles like rocks and trees alone, unless you really need the space or have extra resources to spend.
- Keep defenses close. Not too close or they’ll be vulnerable to enemy bombardment, but you’ll want to try and keep them within range of each other. Otherwise enemies will be able to pick them off one at a time with little trouble.
- Take advantage of the “under 5 minutes” rule. Anything being built can be rushed to completion for free so long as there’s less than five minutes of build time remaining. This is a great way to boost production/defense a little faster than usual, and it lets you stockpile Cyber Coins (premium currency) much better.
- Get intimate with walls. No, not like that. Try to learn which defenses will be blocked by walls and which ones won’t. For example, putting a mortar (which fires in an arc) behind a wall will make it more difficult for invaders to reach, but it can still pepper them with explosives.
- Use buildings to obstruct your defenses. This won’t work 100% of the time, but you just might be able to trick attackers into approaching from a bad angle if they don’t realize where your mortars/laser turrets/etc are.
- Save up Cyber Coins for a third Build Bot right away. It’ll take a while, but if you avoid spending coins and just stockpile everything you earn through achievements you’ll eventually be able to get one. Then you can build/upgrade three structures at once, for even faster base growth!
- Join an alliance. Alliances occasionally take part in wars, which can earn you some nice swag. On top of that, you’ll be able to chat with other members while you wait for stuff to happen. It helps pass the time.
On the Attack
- Be sure to upgrade your Shuttle as often as you can. Each additional level will allow you to carry an extra character into battle – and of course greater numbers means greater odds of success.
- Try to balance your team. Gunners tend to be rather frail while warriors are better at absorbing damage than dishing it out. Focus too much in one area and you’ll likely run into trouble.
- Check character bios. If you’re unsure of what kind of fighter a given character is, tap on the little “?” icon in the top corner of their portrait. This will pull up lots of useful info such as level, power, general class info, range, and special ability descriptions.
- It’s okay if you get attacked. You’ll potentially lose medals that determine your PvP rank, but damage done to the base and its defenders will be repaired quickly. On top of this, you’ll also receive a shield that will prevent any further attacks for the next few hours, giving you plenty of time to restock and/or build and upgrade more defenses.
- Attack constantly. I’m normally the kind of player who prefers to avoid conflict with others, but there’s very little reason to not press the attack. If you win you’ll receive some resources (and keep your shield if you have one). If you lose, your bots will need a few minutes to heal but you’ll still get a little Alloy and Energon for your trouble.
- Attacking other players is usually more beneficial than completing campaign missions. Granted, after completing all the missions in a campaign you’ll unlock a new and useful character, but they ramp up in difficulty fairly quickly. If you stick to fighting other players around your rank, your own bots will level-up faster. Plus you’ll get some extra resources, naturally.
- Pay close attention to individual abilities. There’s some overlap between characters, but different abilities can be extremely useful in different situations. For example, being able to smash through enemy walls to open up new paths (or close in on a mortar) could mean the difference between a successful raid and total failure.
- Save single-use special attacks for when you really need them. Sometimes using a crystal at the Space Bridge will earn you a powerful attack ability instead of a new character. These abilities can only be used once, so make sure you know what they do before you use them and don’t let them go to waste.
- Plan your character upgrades ahead. Any characters you upgrade at the Research Lab (once they’ve reached their maximum level) will be unusable until the process is complete. So if you’re planning a big offensive, leave your go-to characters along until it’s done.